University of Michigan School of Information

Anubha Singh
Through long term ethnography of the onion supply chain in Western Maharashtra, I study how how data-driven technologies are restructuring farming and redefining the future of agriculture in India. My work is informed by and contributes to the fields of Postcolonial and Feminist Science and Technology Studies, Ethnography of Computing and Agriculture, and Critical Cultural Studies.
At the School of Information, I am co-advised by Silvia Lindtner and Patricia Garcia. I am affiliated with the Centre for Ethics, Computing and Society, the tech.culture.matters research collective, and the Culturally Responsive Computing research lab.
Areas of interest
Ethnography of Computing, Future of Agriculture, Future of Work, Feminist and Postcolonial Science and Technology Studies, Human Computer Interaction
M.A. Global Digital Cultures (SOAS, University of London)
M.A. Social Work (University of Delhi)