University of Michigan School of Information

Colleen van Lent
Teaching Professor and Lecturer IV in Information, School of Information
Email: [email protected]
School of Information/715 N Unversity
Faculty Role:
Potential PhD Faculty Advisor: No
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News About Colleen van Lent
Research Areas
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Colleen received her PhD from the University of Pittsburgh in Computer Science. Her thesis was on Artificial Intelligence applications on the Nursebot Project, a robotic assistant for the elderly. Before coming to UMSI her previous experience includes Associate Professor at California State University and positions at NASA JPL, the Naval Research Lab, and the NSA.
Areas of interest
Accessible Web Design, Introductory Programming
Honors & Awards
National Physical Science Consortium Fellow, NASA Faculty Fellow, UMSI Award For Excellence in Education
BS from Kent State University Honors College
MS and PhD from the University of Pittsburgh