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University of Michigan School of Information


Dissertation courses (pre-candidate and candidate)

Rackham requires that all doctoral students are continuously enrolled for at least eight credits (see below) for both the fall and winter terms. Students who have completed all academic requirements and have no additional courses to take, or who are taking less than eight credits of required academic courses in a given term, will need to register for either SI 990 or SI 995.  All students who have met candidacy requirements will register for SI 995; pre-candidates will register for SI 990. 

Please send the following information to the UMSI Registrar at [email protected] to request permission to enroll in SI 990 or SI 995:

  • Name
  • UM ID#
  • Select one: SI 990 or SI 995
  • Number of credits
  • Advisor's name

The UMSI Registrar will use the information above to process your override for SI 990 or 995. Once you receive an email confirmation of your permission to enroll, you may register for the course in Wolverine Access. 

Important notes:

  • If you are a pre-candidate student who is enrolled in a three-credit class for the term and does not need to take another required course, you will need to register for five credits of SI990. 
  • If you are a candidate who has met all academic requirements, you will need to register for eight credits of SI 995. 
  • If you are a first or second year student enrolled in eight or more credits of required coursework, you will not need to register for SI 990.