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University of Michigan School of Information


Credit Hour Policy

University of Michigan complies with Title IV student-financial-aid eligibility, the University of Michigan must follow all applicable federal rules and guidance from U-M’s regional accreditor, the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), concerning credit-hour definitions regardless of course modality. The current federal definition for a credit hour calls for students to be completing approximately 45 hours of student work per credit, total (e.g., 1 hour of class; 2-3 hours outside preparation; over 15 weeks). However, it is generally accepted that 50 minutes or more constitutes an “hour” for these purposes.

More information can be found in in the University of Michigan School of Information Credit Hour Policy.

Topics covered in the policy include:

  • Background
  • Class Types & Definitions
  • Bachelor of Science in Information (Undergraduate Program)
  • Master of Science in Information and the Master of Health Informatics (Residential Masters Programs)
  • Master of Applied Data Science (Online Masters Program)
  • PhD