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University of Michigan School of Information


Contact us

E-mail addresses

Academic Success: [email protected]

Admissions: [email protected]

Career Development: [email protected]

Computing Services: [email protected]

Development and Alumni Relations: [email protected]

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Office: [email protected]

Engaged Learning: [email protected]

Finance: [email protected]

Human Resources: [email protected]

Marketing and Communications: [email protected]

Media inquiries: [email protected]

Registration and curriculum: [email protected]

Research Administration: [email protected]

Student Funding: [email protected]

Student Life: [email protected]

University of Michigan Online Directory

Office locations and telephone numbers

Academic and Student Affairs: (734) 763-2285 | 333 Maynard, Suite 500

Career Development: (734) 647-7650 | UMSI Engagement Center, 777 North University, Suite 200

Development and Alumni Relations: (734) 647-7311 | 3411 North Quad, 105 State Street

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Office: (734) 936-2188 | 4345 North Quad, 105 State Street

Engaged Learning Office: (734) 763-1251 | UMSI Engagement Center, 777 North University, Suite 200

Facilities: (734) 615-8831 | 1115 North Quad, 105 South State Street

Faculty Administrative Support Staff: (734) 764-5876 | 4322 North Quad, 105 South State Street

Health Informatics Program: (734) 763-2285 | 333 Maynard, Suite 500

Human Resources: 4337 North Quad, 105 South State Street

Marketing and Communications: 309 Maynard, Suite  205

Office of the Dean: (734) 647-3576 | 4322 North Quad, 105 South State Street

Research Administration: (734) 647-6333 | 4325 North Quad, 105 South State Street

Fax numbers:

  • Admissions: (734) 615-3587
  • Office of the Dean: (734) 764-2475
  • 4411 North Quad: (734) 647-8045
  • Career Development Office and Engaged Learning Office: (734) 763-1386
  • 309 Maynard: (734) 763-9677
  • The Loft: (734) 764-0808

Postal addresses

School of Information

University of Michigan

105 S. State St.

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285

For Admissions/Registrar mailings:

School of Information Admissions (or Registrar)

University of Michigan

333 Maynard, Suite 500

Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Building locations

The School of Information is housed in multiple locations on and adjacent to the U-M Central Campus in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Visitor parking is available on surface streets (metered) and in municipal lots and structures within a few blocks of each location. Get directions and detailed parking information for each of our locations.

UMSI welcomes media inquiries. Contact our Marketing and Communications staff for assistance reaching subject matter experts.