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University of Michigan School of Information

A headshot of Oliver Haimson.

Oliver Haimson

Assistant Professor of Information, School of Information and Assistant Professor of Digital Studies Institute, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts Email: [email protected] Phone: 734/764-5876
Office: School of Information/3380 North Quad Faculty Role: Faculty Potential PhD Faculty Advisor: Yes Personal website News About Oliver Haimson


I am the author of Trans Technologies (MIT Press, 2025). I conduct social computing research focused on envisioning and designing trans technologies, social media content moderation and marginalized populations, and changing identities on social media during life transitions. I am a recipient of a National Science Foundation CAREER award.



Areas of interest

social computing, human-computer interaction (HCI), trans technologies, content moderation, trans and LGBTQ+ health, identity transitions, social media

Honors & Awards

National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2020-2025

UMSI Award for Impact in Gender Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Information and Technology, 2020-2021


PhD Information & Computer Science, University of California, Irvine

News about Oliver Haimson

Sena Kojah. PhD Student. Dialing it Back: Shadowbanning, Invisible Digital Labor, and how Marginalized Content Creators Attempt to Mitigate the Impacts of Opaque Platform Governance. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction.
First Paper Friday: Sena Kojah

Kojah’s paper explores the disproportionate impact of shadowbanning on social media platforms on content creators with marginalized identities. 

More Info
Featured on Fox17. Assistant professor Oliver Haimson. Professor weighs in on Trump's proposed 'two genders' policy.
Haimson: Trump’s “two genders” policy could have “bad implications” for transgender women

UMSI assistant professor Oliver Haimson discusses the impact Trump’s executive order will have on LGBTQIA people. 

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