University of Michigan School of Information

Stephanie Teasley
Trending Topics
Project Lead for My Learning Analytics (MyLA): A Student-Facing Performance Dashboard
Program Officer, National Science Foundation, EDU/DRL
Executive Officer for the International Society of the Learning Sciences
Chair of the International Alliance to Advance Learning in the Digital Era (IAALDE), 2018-2020
President of the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR), 2017-2019
Areas of interest
Learning analytics, learning sciences, computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL), computer supported cooperative work (CSCW)
Honors and awards
Distinguished Member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Winner of the 2019 IMS Global Learning Impact Award (Gold)
Michael D. Cohen Outstanding Service Award, School of Information, 2014
B.A. in Psychology, Kalamazoo College
Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology, University of Pittsburgh